
Largest selection of decorative rustic switch plate covers found anywhere...period. These rustic outlet covers from many different artists have a wide selection of eye-catching colors and mediums. The textured surfaces and gleaming colors makes it clear these pieces won't go unnoticed, while the sheer selection makes sure that you'll find something perfect for the cabin. Definitely not the same variety that you could expect to find in any big box store, these rustic switch plate covers show off their handmade beauty anywhere they may hang.


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Largest selection of decorative rustic switch plate covers found anywhere...period. These rustic outlet covers from many different artists have a wide selection of eye-catching colors and mediums. The textured surfaces and gleaming colors makes it clear these pieces won't go unnoticed, while the sheer selection makes sure that you'll find something perfect for the cabin. Definitely not the same variety that you could expect to find in any big box store, these rustic switch plate covers show off their handmade beauty anywhere they may hang.