5 Toggle - GFCI Rocker Decora Combination Light Switch Plates

Largest selection of 5 Toggle 1 Rocker Switch Plates found anywhere...period. The 5 toggle / GFI Rocker switch plate is a large switch plate and can draw the eye to it, so it's important to choose one that gives a good first impression. The metallic designs are sharp and modern, adding a cleanly designed complement to your living space. If you'd like to add a natural, woodsy touch to the room, our western red cedar, white oak or yellow pine are just some of the options that will add a rustic feel to any room in your home.


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Largest selection of 5 Toggle 1 Rocker Switch Plates found anywhere...period. The 5 toggle / GFI Rocker switch plate is a large switch plate and can draw the eye to it, so it's important to choose one that gives a good first impression. The metallic designs are sharp and modern, adding a cleanly designed complement to your living space. If you'd like to add a natural, woodsy touch to the room, our western red cedar, white oak or yellow pine are just some of the options that will add a rustic feel to any room in your home.