4 Toggle - Duplex Combo Combination Light Switch Plates

Largest selection of 4 Toggle 1 Duplex Wall Plates found anywhere...period. You'll be using your quad toggle / duplex switches often, so don't ignore their design. You'll love turning the lights on and off and plugging in electronics when the switch plate is so attractive. Every aspect of the room is a chance to express your style, and switch plates are no exception. Our Decorative Switch Plate Covers models come in metal and wood varieties, ensuring that your room's style will be enhanced no matter what your design ideas are.


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Largest selection of 4 Toggle 1 Duplex Wall Plates found anywhere...period. You'll be using your quad toggle / duplex switches often, so don't ignore their design. You'll love turning the lights on and off and plugging in electronics when the switch plate is so attractive. Every aspect of the room is a chance to express your style, and switch plates are no exception. Our Decorative Switch Plate Covers models come in metal and wood varieties, ensuring that your room's style will be enhanced no matter what your design ideas are.