
This Flu Season, Clean Your Switch Plates
Jul 10, 2019
As the leaves start to turn and the temperatures drop day by day, it’s time to remember that it’s not just holiday season approaching; it’s flu season too. More time spent indoors provides the perfect atmosphere for cold and flu viruses to spread from one person to the next.

Harmonizing a Switchplate to Your Backsplash
Jul 10, 2019
Backsplashes are probably the hottest kitchen trend since granite countertops. No charming cooking space is complete without a stylish backdrop, right? Often, backsplashes are simple enough to install… until you run into the obstruction of an outlet or switch plate.

Bring handmade folk art charm to your decor
Jul 10, 2019
Not everyone is a master of do-it-yourself decor. No matter how much you'd like to be able to paint your own furniture, knit your own afghans or outfit your kitchen with handmade pottery, you might not have the time or talent enough to pull these projects off. But don't worry! You don't have to resign yourself to cookie-cutter interiors - there are plenty of ways to add DIY charm to your abode without picking up a paintbrush or knitting needle.

7 Purr-fect Switchplates for Cat Lovers
Jul 10, 2019
To some out there, cats might seem like inconvenient, conceited furballs. But we cat lovers know the truth: they're inconvenient, conceited, and oh-so-lovable furballs who make the perfect companions for an evening reading by the fireplace. Our bewhiskered buddies always boost our mood when we see them. So why not add a few more feline-oriented accents throughout the house?

Melt your stress away in a redesigned bathroom
Jun 13, 2019
Expensive features, tiling and accessories make frugal bathroom decorating a tough task, but you can get quality results for fractions of the price by focusing on a few bathroom basics.

Bring the outdoors indoors by giving your home a rustic twist
Jun 13, 2019
Appreciate the outdoors from within your own home with a few neat and earthy tricks. You can make your study, kitchen, living room, bedroom or even bathroom into a forest landscape with a few knickknacks, a decorative switch plate or an inexpensive do-it-yourself project.